
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari 9, 2014

Sistem Hukum

HUKUM Pengertian Sistem, Hukum dan Sisem Hukum SISTEM      Sistem adalah suatu kebulatan atau keseluruhan yang terorganisasi dan kompleks, suatu himpunan atau perpaduan ha-hal atau bagian yang membentuk suatu kebulatan atau keseluruhan yang kompleks. Terdapat komponen yang terhubung dan mempunyai fungsi masing-masing terhubung menjadi sistem menurut pola. Sistem merupakan susunan pandangan, teori, asas yang teratur.            

Short Conversation : "He's The Best And He's My Best "

Father   : "Tommy... Tommy, where are you?" Tommy : *  Crying loudly  Father   : " Please tell me where are you? I've been looking for 10 minutes for you! stop playing hide and                        seek, just show up yourself!" Tommy : " I'm here Dad, in my room." Father   : " hey... why you look sad my son? " Tommy : " I'm sorry Dad, I disappoint you.. I didn't get first rank in my class." Father   : " What rank position you are?" Tommy : " 5.. " Father   : " Wow, It's a good position, why are you crying? It's not bad." Tommy : " But.. but you want me got first rank in the class.." Father   : " It's Ok, No matter where position you are. I will always be proud of you , you are my lovely                          son." Tommy : " Really?? Thanks dad you make me feel better. your the best!" Father   : " Yes, ...